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Optical Glasses

OpticLink Products

Germanium and Gallium Arsenide for Medical Device and Diagnostics:

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Germanium is used in a range of diagnostic applications, including for the production of Germanium-Gallium generators to extract the radioisotope. Specific disease-targeting molecules radiolabeled with Ga-68 can provide diagnostic images using positron emission tomography (PET), and when combined with a therapeutic agent, can enable targeted treatment planning. Additional applications include the production of calibration sources for radiometric equipment and PET scanners.

Novel Distillation Process Providing High Quality and High Purity Product

We offer:

A process for high-purity Ge-68 that can be supplied with high specific activity.

Custom dispensing

Technical experts that will work collaboratively with you to optimize use of this product with your processes and applications.

Germanium for agricultural use:

Checking Lettuce Growth

Ge plays a pivotal role in key enzyme activities and microbes related to nutrient transformation and cycling in soil. In plants, Ge changed nutrient absorption and utilization at a high efficiency.

Ge was proven to significantly reverse salt stress on activities of antioxidant enzymes while increasing CAT activity thus improving seed germination in various plants.

Commercial and Industrial Applications:


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Germanium is subject to thermal runaway, meaning that the transmission decreases as temperature increases. As such, these germanium windows should be used at temperatures below 100ËšC. Germanium’s high density (5.33 g/cm3) should be considered when designing for weight-sensitive systems. The Knoop Hardness of germanium (780) is approximately twice that of Magnesium Fluoride, making it ideal for infrared applications requiring rugged optics.


Wavelength range of 2 – 16 µm rugged, durable material for thermal imaging applications additional infrared lenses available in popular substrates.

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Germanium crystal lenses provide the best quality Infrared optical solution for infrared camera for automotive and surveillance camera for commercial use.

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Germanium is also used as a growth template for specific solar cells. OpticLink is in a position to provide Germanium for this application in a fit for need form to address domestic and international markets.

OpticLink offers optical elements of different configurations (windows, wafers, prisms and lenses) raw and finished per customers’ specifications.


Gallium Arsenide:

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Gallium arsenide is a chemical compound of gallium and arsenic. It is used to make devices such as microwave frequency integrated circuits, infrared light-emitting diodes, laser diodes and solar cells.

Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) is a tough, IR transmitting, semi-insulating and insoluble material that shares many mechanical properties with Germanium. Gallium Arsenide is typically used where hardness and durability are desirable. It is diamond turnable which is beneficial for high precision spherical and aspheric lenses. It has a direct bandgap, with its intrinsic edge at 0.87µm other characteristics:

GaAs is currently the most efficient material at converting solar energy to electricity. It is sensitive to light so works well in low light and it has a good resistance to higher temperatures. Silicon solar cells are also commonly used as they are far more cost effective, but they do not have the same high efficiency.

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OpticLink provides its clients with Gallium Arsenide blanks, windows, and wafer that fits customer needs for commercial and industrial purposes.

Optical Grade and Float Zone Silicon (Si):


Silicon is transparent from 1 µ – 7 µ; this makes it useful in IR systems. Silicon is mainly used in the 3–5-micron wavelength.

Silicon also has a very high refractive index and so significant Fresnel reflection losses can be expected unless some AR coating is applied. Antireflective coatings will also prevent scratching on Silicon substrates as Silicon is soft and easily marked.

OpticLink offers optical elements of different configurations (windows, wafers, prisms and lenses) raw and finished per customers’ specifications.

Amorphous Material Transmitting Infrared Radiation | AMTIR


Amorphous Transmitting Infrared Radiation (AMTIR)


Amorphous Transmitting Infrared Radiation material is used to manufacture windows, lenses, prisms and blanks for the 0.9µm – 10µm wavelength with about 70% transmission.

OpticLink, offers optical elements of different configurations (windows, wafers, prisms and lenses) raw and finished per customers’ specifications.



Sapphire optical blanks and wafers are ideal for applications where high pressure, vacuum, or corrosive atmospheres are a consideration. Sapphire, a single crystal form of Al2O3, is resistant to attack by strong acids. It has high comprehensive strength and a high melting point. It is also resistant to UV radiation darkening.


OpticLink, Inc. offers Sapphire windows, meniscus lenses, prisms, wafers of any size and configurations for broad spectral ranges.

Zinc Sulfide ZnS:

Zinc Sulfide optics feature high transmission with minimal scatter and are designed for broad wavelength applications. Typically supplied with broadband A/R coatings, these water-clear, multi-spectral optics are suited for use in IR imaging. Chemically inert and non-hygroscopic products, offered in ¼ wave and 40-20 scratch-dig.


OpticLink offers optical elements of different configurations (windows, wafers, prisms and lenses) raw and finished per customers’ specification.

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